Justice League Animated Series Batman and Wonder Woman

Justice League Animated Series Batman and Wonder Woman

A group shot of the entire Justice League.

Justice League and its sequel series, Justice League Unlimited is without a incertitude the definitive depiction of the League to date. Pitiful #snydercut fans. Over 4 seasons (more, if you're counting Batman: The Animated Series and Superman: The Animated Serial) this show has given usa iconic stories that cutting to the very middle of what we beloved nigh Batman, Superman and the rest of the DC Universe.

Let'south take a look at the all-time episodes beyond the Justice League animated franchise.

A bearded Superman fights hand to hand.

ten. Time to come, Justice League, Flavor 2 Episodes 19 & 20

Superman is dead. Long alive Superman. Later on a group of villains nicknamed "The Superman Revenge Squad" gets, well, their revenge, the Justice League and the world mourn the decease of Superman. Or is he? Turns out the axle didn't impale Superman merely flung him far into the future, on a desolate, cherry lord's day tinged Earth. This Justice League episode is swell considering it strips Superman of his powers and shows you what he's really all about. Also, the immortal villain, Vandal Savage teams up with Superman to go him dorsum to the past. If that didn't convince y'all, The Main Man, Lobo as well makes an advent, to take Superman'southward place in the League.

The Justice Lords, evil versions of The Justice League

nine. A Improve Globe, Justice League, Season ii, Episodes eleven & 12

"A Better World" is a great "What if?" episode of Justice League. In it, an alternating reality version of our heroes, the Justice Lords, enforce peace through fascist and totalitarian ways. This episode is so effective because they testify in no uncertain terms why a fascist Superman would be so mortiferous. He turns Lex Luthor into a pile of ash in the cold open up! During a fight with Doomsday, Superman decides to cut the fight brusk and uses his heat vision to lobotomize him. Speaking of lobotomy, when our good guys break into the alternating World Arkham Asylum, turns out Superman has as well fricasseed the brains of basically every supervillain in the DCU. What'south really cool is this episode plants some seeds which come up back effectually way downwards the road in Justice League Unlimited.

Green Lantern looks on at Hawkgirl.

8. Star Crossed, Justice League, Season two, Episodes 24, 25, & 26

So epic, they had to have three parts to tell the series finale to Justice League. Turns out Hawkgirl hasn't been entirely truthful with the Justice League almost herself. Her real mission on Earth all forth was to scout for a planned invasion. What'south great almost "Star Crossed" and nigh of Season 2, really, is that somewhere along the line this show went from children's programming, to a full on superhero drama. Just as Green Lantern and Hawkgirl's human relationship is heating up, her alien boyfriend shows upward for a squeamish, Thanagarian honey triangle. We also get some classic "ends justify the means" plotting equally nosotros learn the true reason for Thanagar's invasion. Of course the Justice League saves the solar day, just the price was the very thought of the league itself, including Hawkgirl's resignation.

Task Force X plans their heist.

7. Task Force 10, Justice League Unlimited, Flavour 2, Episode 4

The REAL Suicide Squad on display here. Forget Harley Quinn or vivid neon colors. "Job Forcefulness Ten" plays off like an awesome heist film, complete with a fun score. The mission? Break into Justice League headquarters and steal the Annihilator armor. The client? Project Cadmus. A rare episode where this team of supervillains are the main characters. Something else I love virtually this episode is information technology actually relies on the personalities of the supervillains, because they spend the entire episode disguised as Justice League watchtower employees. What makes Deadshot, Deadshot if non for his absurd eye piece? Okay, okay Captain Boomerang does go his titular weapons to use, simply what I'yard getting at is you really get a vibe for these villains through their personalities and the way they (don't) get forth. This episode too establishes Project Cadmus as a existent threat, as the good guys actually have an L in this Justice League Unlimited episode.

Big Barda, Mister Miracle, and The Flash.

6. The Ties That Demark, Justice League Unlimited, Flavor ii, Episode 4

You may be noticing all the best Justice League episodes tend to feature Darkseid and other "Fourth Earth'' characters created by Jack Kirby. Hither'southward another one to toss onto the pile. A power vacuum has emerged on Apokolips in the wake of Darkseid'due south disappearance, and Granny Goodness (definitely not expert) needs Mister Miracle to help fill information technology. "The Ties That Bind" is an excellent showcase for Mister Miracle and Big Barda (a libation, more badass version of Wonder Woman), giving us not just a taste of that Fourth World weirdness that comics fans love, simply likewise the unwavering love between Miracle and Barda on full brandish. Flash also somehow gets wrapped up into this adventure to great delight, as he had generally been on the sidelines of Justice League Unlimited until now.

Superman trapped in a coma.

5. For The Man Who Has Everything, Justice League Unlimited, Season 1 Episode 2

Yeah, Alan Moore's greatest work is without a doubtfulness, Watchmen . Only he's written his off-white share of cape and tights stories also! This Justice League Unlimited episode is adapted from Moore's 1985 story of the same proper name. Information technology'southward the Man of Steel's birthday. Batman gives him straight up cash, naturally. When he and Wonder Woman arrive they find Superman looking like a vegetable, with a large, honking conflicting plant strapped to his chest. Turns out he's trapped in a hallucination that has him living a full life on a Krypton that never exploded. Hither he's got a family of his own, he's a respected scientist working alongside his father. Heartbreakingly, before he snaps out of it, he has to say goodbye to Krypton all over again. Let'southward simply say he's not also happy at the villain who put him there when he finally wakes upwards.

Green Lantern Hal Jordan appears next to a stunned Warhawk.

4. The In one case And Future Thing, Justice League Unlimited, Season 1, Episodes 12 & 13

A ii-part time traveling ballsy, "The One time and Futurity Thing." Part 1 of this two-parter taps into some awesome obscure Western DC characters like Jonah Hex, El Diablo, Pow-Wow Smith, and Bat Lash. Even libation when Office 2 zaps to the time to come, nosotros become a great mashing up of DC animated properties. Batman Beyond and Warhawk (previously seen in Batman Beyond) show up, as well equally a great scene where former Bruce Wayne plays bad cop, and young Batman plays expert cop. Also featured is an adult Static Daze, from his own drawing of the aforementioned proper name, which Michael B. Jordan recently signed on to produce as a picture show for Warner Bros. Perhaps the coolest cameo for all the comic fans out there is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene with Hal Jordan every bit Green Lantern, his only appearance in this franchise to date.

Batman comforts Ace of the Royal Flush Gang.

three. Epilogue, Justice League Unlimited, Season 2, Episode 13

"Epilogue" was originally intended as a series finale, and you lot can tell. Sort of a capper not only to the Justice League cartoon, only the DC Animated Universe equally a whole, going all the manner back to Batman: The Animated Serial. This episode goes even further into the future than nosotros've ever seen, with an adult Terry McGinnis and bilious Bruce Wayne. "Epilogue" is also a great Batman showcase that evokes some of the most poignant episodes from his solo series.

After Ace of the Royal Flush Gang's powers leave of command, it'south determined the only course of action is to put her down for good. Later Amanda Waller (yep, the perennially thorn in the Justice League's side) creates a weapon to kill the out-of-control villain, Batman volunteers to do the chore. Except, he doesn't. Batman does not kill, and he isn't going to start now. What follows is a touching and poignant await into the center of what makes Batman, Batman. Seriously get look this one up and bring a box of tissues.

Darkseid stands menacing over Earth.

2. Destroyer, Justice League Unlimited, Flavor 3, Episode xiii

"Destroyer," the actual series finale to Justice League Unlimited. Darkseid is back (no wonder the episode is so good) and he'southward ready to have down Earth. This is Avengers: Endgame , before there was ever a Marvel Studios. Information technology takes the combined might of our superheroes AND our villains to terminate Darkseid. This likewise features peradventure one of the coolest Superman scenes across all mediums, when he finally gets to let loose the total might of his power against Darkseid. In the finish, Lex Luthor saves the twenty-four hours by offering Darkseid the simply thing he wants, the Anti-Life Equation. The best function is the catastrophe is left wide open so in this current historic period of reboots and continuations, maybe we'll go to see the adventures of this version of the Justice League again.

Superman confronts The Question.

1. Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited, Season 2, Episode 9

I'yard adulterous a little bit here because "Question Authority" actually kicks off an incredible four-episode arc the fandom has dubbed, "The Cadmus Arc". Remember those seeds from Justice League's "A Better Earth" I was talking about? Hither yous get! Turns out the US has been fearful of the League's growing power and authority, and unleash their contingencies to take them down. This arc pays off in spades on years-long plot points. The Justice Lords, the genetic clones, Lex Luthor, Cadmus all come to a caput in this arc. Too, a body horror Lex Luthor/Brainiac mash upwardly shows up, so yes. This is the 1, folks. I dare you to find a better Justice League story in media, and maybe in comics likewise.

Do you prefer Justice League or Justice League: Unlimited? Make sure to check out the poll below! We won't have to wait long for more adventures of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, every bit Zack Snyder's Justice League premieres on HBO Max on March 18th.

This poll is no longer available.

Jeremy Lacey

Never non rewatching Mad Men. Lover of comic books and all things related. I spend most of my free fourth dimension giving medicine to my geriatric cat.

Justice League Animated Series Batman and Wonder Woman

Source: https://www.cinemablend.com/television/2563512/the-best-justice-league-and-justice-league-unlimited-episodes-ranked


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